WFC in the Community
Delivering football to the community
Wythenshawe Football Club in the community is a commitment from the club that aims, through football to assist existing schemes and create new ones within the Wythenshawe community. Our aim is to benefit all including youth and community groups through football, coaching and a large range of projects.
We believe that football is a universal language and it crosses all boundaries. At Wythenshawe Football Club we are a FA Charter Standard Community Club and we are committed to being an active part of the community and using our facilities and expertise to promote the club, the community and the game as a whole.
We are setting out to develop and deliver a number of projects with the aim to :-
1. Address anti-social behaviour and crime by using football and coaching skills to improve a persons self belief and self confidence.
2. Implement a range of racial, equality and diversity projects and programmes.
3. Improve health and well being awareness and the availability of health schemes and facilities throughout Wythenshawe.
4. Improve educational attainment through using football to increase basic skills & attendance and create opportunities for educational qualifications in liaison with councils.
5. Increase pathways to employment by using the football club and other organisations to signpost the employment opportunities available.
6. Create additional youth side links for the promotion of the club and youth football within the wider Greater Manchester community.
7. Provide and initiate youth training schools.
8. Liaise with mobility groups to ensure access to Hollyhedge Park for participants and spectators.
9. Look into the feasibility of providing a disability football team.
10. To sustain and increase the youth’s, girl’s and women’s football teams.
11. Build up a partnership with local schools for the provision of assistance with physical education and coaching.
12. Provision of a healthy eating and lifestyle programme.
Our aims :-
To provide access to sport for all and enhanced access to facilities for youth and community groups. To provide coaching assistance and provision and promote Wythenshawe football at every opportunity and represent the values of our FA Charter Standard accreditation.