Club House
Welcome to the Clubhouse Section of our website, which is our members only, you should sign up as you will get access to
- Two Complimentary Match day tickets (terms & conditions apply)
- 5% off beverage prices
- Free Gabs and Go Food Voucher – Worth £12.95 (terms and conditions apply)
- 50% off Room Hire
- Invitation to Members only events
- Priority tickets for Club events
- Discount offers at selected local businesses.
- Ability to sign Guests in (terms and conditions apply)
- Invitation to attend the clubs AGM.
- Big Screen access showing all major Sky & BT Sports events
Please fill in the form (Download the form here) and email it to [email protected] and use the following payment methods
By bank transfer:
Please transfer to Wythenshawe AFC LTD,
Account No: 19204018 sort code 83-04-25, use your full name as reference.
By Paypal:
Paypal direct payment please click this link:
By credit / debit card:
Please take completed forms to the Clubhouse where card transactions will be
taken, please ensure you get a receipt.
By cash/cheque:
Cheque to be made payable to Wythenshawe AFC and attached to this form
and returned to the address above.